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Privacy Policy

We place great emphasis on protecting customer privacy and strive to ensure that every online experience with us is a memorable one. That is why we have adopted this comprehensive policy, a policy that lets the customer know how personal information is collected and used. We undertake to use customer information only in ways that are compatible with this policy.


Every computer that is connected to the Internet is given an Internet Protocol number, also known as an IP address. When a visitor requests a page from our Web site (as is also the case with any other Web site), our Web servers will automatically recognise a visitor by their IP address. The IP address reveals nothing personal about a visitor other than a set of numbers. We use this information for statistical purposes, to examine points of entry to our Web site, determine hotspots and to establish ill-visited pages. We use this information for evaluation purposes and to ensure the services we provide, meet both the needs of our traders, sponsors, advertisers and customers. These evaluations and statistics establish trends of traffic and may be produced to show others, but we will not show individual visitor information, the information shown will be provided by way of the 'number of visitors' only.


From time to time,, its sponsors or advertisers may send a 'cookie' to your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your hard drive. A cookie cannot read data from your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites and they do not damage your system. We may use cookies to identify which areas of's network of Web sites and pages you have visited or customised, so that the next time you visit, those pages may be readily accessible. Our sponsors and site advertisers may also use cookies to ascertain how many times a visitor has seen an advertisement. We, our sponsors and site advertisers may use this information to personalise the content of a page, banner and/or any promotion that is readily available on our or their site pages. Every visitor can determine whether to accept cookies by changing the settings of their browser. A browser can be reset to refuse cookies and set to allow notification of when a cookie is being sent.


There will be occasions when we request from a visitor, their e-mail address or mailing address, for instance; for the purpose of conducting a survey, the completion of a subscription form, providing additional information, mailing newsletters or other related occasions. Whenever there is a request for the identification of a visitor, we undertake to clearly indicate the purpose of our intention before a visitor is asked for such information. We maintain a strict 'NO SPAM' policy, and it is against our policy to provide visitor information to any third-party when permission to do so, has been denied. Information is only supplied to third parties for the purpose of the request and for the purpose in which it was intended. We may from time to time, send an e-mail announcing new products and services, but only if a visitor has chosen to supply their e-mail or mailing address via an online form. This may also involve mailings from other reputable third-party companies if appropriate.If a visitor chooses to purchase something online, we need to know their name, their e-mail address, their mailing address, a credit card number and the expiry date of such. This allows us to process and fulfil an order and notify the visitor of their order status. This information may be used by us to notify a visitor of related products and services, but will not be supplied, rented or sold to third parties for any purpose.For the provision or commencement of a contest, competition or promotion, we may ask for a visitors name when they enter such, together with their e-mail address and/or mailing address. This information may be required, so that we can administer and abide by the rules of the contest, competition or promotion and notify winners and participants of the resulting outcome. Wherever and whenever requires visitor information, we will make every effort to include a link to our privacy policy for information purposes.


We undertake to disclose visitor information when required by law and to conform to the edicts of the law. We will disclose the identification of a visitor and any appropriate information in our possession, if a visitor violates the law, the legal notice of or the rights of third parties. Disclosure of visitor information will be undertaken in accordance with investigations of purported unlawful activities. We will always undertake reasonable precautions to protect visitor information, however, we are not responsible for any breach of security or for any actions performed by third parties who unlawfully receive visitor information.


The network of Web sites contains many links to other Web sites and cannot undertake responsibility for their privacy practices or the content of such Web sites. If a visitor indicates a requirement to receive information from a trader, sponsor or from a site advertiser, we encourage them to post details of their privacy policies and terms and conditions on their Web site or page and adhere to such. However, we cannot undertake any responsibility for their privacy practices or policies. We ask every visitor to read the privacy policy and terms and conditions of a trader, sponsor or from a site advertiser and also adhere to such.


When a visitor requests an e-mail newsletter, they should only receive the information requested, but should expect to receive further information that is deemed related and appropriate. Visitor information will not be used by for any other purpose other than so stated. A visitor will have the choice to 'opt-out' at any time and stop the arrival of further e-mail newsletters by removing their e-mail address from the appropriate list, by forwarding their request to


Every visitor to our Web site is solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of his or her personal information and solely responsible for their actions. We ask every visitor to be responsible, when online.


By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use of your information by as specified above. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will undertake to post those changes on this page, so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we will decide to disclose such information.

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Global’s Make Some Noise is an appeal operated by Global Charities Limited, a registered charity in England & Wales (1091657) & Scotland (SC041475)